<canvas id="quicksort_cnv"></canvas>
<script type="module">
// get & resize canvas, etc.
const cnv = document.getElementById(`quicksort_cnv`)
const ctx = cnv.getContext (`2d`)
cnv.width = cnv.parentNode.scrollWidth
cnv.height = cnv.width * 9 / 16
// create ordered array
const w2h = (_, i) => i * cnv.height / cnv.width
let values = Array (cnv.width).fill ().map (w2h)
// define jumble function
const rand_el = a => {
const i = Math.floor (Math.random () * a.length)
return a.splice (i, 1)[0]
const jumble = a => {
const r = []
while (a.length) r.push (rand_el (a))
return r
// define quicksort function
const quicksort = a => {
if (a.length <= 1) return a
let pivot = a[0]
let left = []
let right = []
for (let i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] < pivot) left.push (a[i])
else right.push (a[i])
return [ ...quicksort (left), pivot, ...quicksort (right) ]
// define display function
const display = a => {
ctx.reset ()
a.forEach ((v, i) => {
ctx.beginPath ()
ctx.moveTo (i, cnv.height)
ctx.lineTo (i, cnv.height - v)
ctx.stroke ()
let is_jumbled = false
// define pointer interaction
cnv.onpointerdown = () => {
const process = is_jumbled ? quicksort : jumble
values = process (values)
display (values)
is_jumbled = !is_jumbled
display (values)
Note the use of:
- spread syntax (
[ ...array ]
) - ternary operator (
condition ? if_true : if_false
Made with help from this tutorial and this video.