Template Literals

In javascript, you can write a string using 'single quotes', or "double quotes", or backticks:

const msg = `this is also a string`

The nice thing about using backticks, is that you can refer to a variable directly using ${ ... } syntax. Consider the following code:

const hello = 'world'

const ver_1 = 'regular quotes: hello ${ hello }!'
const ver_2 = `backticks: hello ${ hello }!`

console.log (ver_1)
console.log (ver_2)

regular quotes vs backticks

... and the following sketch:

function setup () {
  createCanvas (440, 150)
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER)
  textSize (32)
  noStroke ()

function draw () {
  background (`turquoise`)

  // using a template literal to construct a string:
  const msg = `we are up to frame ${ frameCount }!`

  text (msg, width / 2, height / 2)